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Phase-space geometric Sagnac interferometer for rotation sensing



报告题目:Phase-space geometric Sagnac interferometer for rotation sensing






Quantum information processing with geometric features of quantum states may provide promising noise resilient schemes for quantum metrology. In this work, we theoretically explore phase-space geometric Sagnac interferometers with trapped atomic clocks for rotation sensing, which could be intrinsically robust to certain decoherence noises and reach high precision. With the wave guide provided by sweeping ring traps, we give criteria under which the well-known Sagnac phase is a pure or unconventional geometric phase with respect to the phase space. Furthermore, corresponding schemes for geometric Sagnac interferometers with designed sweeping angular velocity and interrogation time are presented, and the experimental feasibility is also discussed. Such geometric Sagnac interferometers are capable of saturating the ultimate precision limit given by the quantum Cramér-Rao bound.


王晓光,浙江大学物理系教授,博士生导师。长期从事量子信息和量子计算理论,量子光学,和固态理论的研究。2001年他的关于海森堡模型热纠缠的研究(X. Wang, Phys. Rev. A, 64, 012313 (2001))被他引500余次,是国际上在这个方面最早的三篇论文之一,引发了量子信息和其它相关物理领域关于量子纠缠的大量后续工作。2011年发表综述性论文(J. Ma et al., Physics Reports 509, 89-165 (2011), 系统评述了量子自旋压缩的理论和实验,被引用近300次。 SCI收录论文200余篇。2010年获得国家杰出科学青年基金。